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Razor Panel System

A long term, durable, economical solution. Meet the Razor Panel System, a monolithic panel system built to specification with endless possibilities and configurations. Built off the same design as the Herman Miller AO2 panel system, this cubicle system is a great option that can be built to meet the specifications of your workstation needs. Work with our design team to choose your workstation size, panel height, fabric or laminate tile textile/upholstery, laminate worksurface finish, paint tone, and more! Built to meet you project needs in the average time of 5-7 weeks. (quick ship options at 3-4 weeks available)


Razor Panel System

A fully customizable monolithic cubicle panel system solution for any workspace!

Typical lead time: 5-8 weeks

Panel widths available: 24″, 30″, 42″, 48″, 60″

Panel heights available: 32″, 39″, 47″, 53″, 62″, 67″, 85″, 95″, 107″

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